Irfan Mensur


We are pleased to introduce our next panelist, Irfan Mensur, a prominent film, television, and theater actor and director.

Irfan has left an indelible mark on the theater, film, and television scenes. He marked the stage as a member of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre and through roles in films and series such as "The Written Off Return", "National Class", "The Dog Who Loved Trains", and many others. As a director, he has realized over 25 theater productions, and besides, he shared his knowledge through hosting the quiz show "Russian Roulette." He has won numerous awards and recognitions, and after 45 years on the stage, he still contributes as a lecturer at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts.


Join the discussion at the CIM Forum 2024 to learn more about Irfan Mensur's rich career and influence on art and culture.