Nataša Kovačević Njezvanova


We'd like to introduce another excellent panelist who will be joining our CIM Forum this year.

Nataša Kovačević, also known as Njezvanova, has had an interest in Dostoevsky from childhood, as evidenced by her creative pseudonym. She is a Niksić law graduate and is well-known in the region for her social media video broadcasts. Nataša stands out with her eloquence, charisma, and wit, while critically reflecting on today's values and Balkan mentality. She is actively involved in supporting mental health through the organisation "Together We Are," while through sarcasm she analyzes the harsh reality of everyday life and the importance of moral principles in society.

Her unique experience and perspective will be a valuable contribution to the exciting discussions at the event. We look forward to seeing you in Kotor!