Paula Petričević


With enthusiasm, we announce that Paula Petričević will shed light on the stage of the CIM Forum 2024. Paula is a philosopher, publicist, feminist, and peace activist who leaves her intellectual mark through her inspiring work. With a degree in philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade as well as a master's degree in political science and currently pursuing a doctorate at the Faculty of Political Science of the same university, Paula is a true intellectual force. As a philosophy professor at the Kotor Gymnasium and the SESMO "Vida Matjan," Paula encourages young minds to engage in critical thinking. Her career includes extensive work as a columnist and ombudswoman for "Vijesti" and the weekly "Monitor." Paula is renowned for her research in gender studies, critical social theory, media ethics, and media representation. Her interest in art, manifested through her love for the sea and pottery, reveals her creative spirit. Be part of the event that inspires and drives change.